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A Handbook for Emerging and Seasoned Authors, casebound,

ISBN: 978-1-7322406-7-4, USD 179.00, (c) 2021, 184 pages.


Genre: Adult/Young Adult Nonfiction: Educational/ Self-Publishing

Themes: Creative Writing, Digital Printing/E-book Conversion, Developing Writing Regimen

A HANDBOOK for Emerging and Seasoned Authors

SKU: ISBN: 978-1-7322406-7-4
  • “An original. This handbook is essential for all authors to improve their creative writing skills with the ultimate goal of publishing.

    The use of the word ‘her’ throughout the book gives women a sense of belonging and power. 

    An excellent classroom tool for exercises on creative writing. The summaries of writing styles by various authors are robust. This addition strengthens the lessons on creative writing techniques. My favorite is the example from Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. The vivid language helps readers picture the characters in their minds. 

    The illustrations on obtaining the publishing essentials, such as copyright, ISBN, permission rights, and so forth, are invaluable. 

    Unexpected is the section on converting manuscripts into digital printing and e-book formats, step-by-step.

    The Checklist of Publishing Essentials reminds authors what we must do to succeed in the hybrid and independent book publishing arena. 

    Simms-Maddox’s advice to all authors about retaining legal counsel cannot be overstated.” 


    The reviewer, Marie L. Umeh, Ph.D., is Associate Professor Emerita, John Jay College of Criminal Justice-CUNY and UN Ambassador-African Women for Good Government.

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